Miejska Sztuka Ogrodowa - we know the program
For the love of greenery and obsession with it, on February 14, 2020 in Poznań, together with the monthly Zieleń Miejska, we organize the 14th edition of the Urban Garden Art Forum.

This is our prominent undertaking, inseparable from the International Garden and Landscape Architecture Fair GARDENIA in Poznań.
The capital of Wielkopolska will turn into an oasis of green for 3 days (13-15 February 2020), and the conference organized by our editors will be a great base for exchanging knowledge and experience. We cannot pass by indifferently to climate changes that affect our everyday lives. Therefore, the next edition of the event will be devoted to this topic. And from today you can register for it. - says Judyta Więcławska, editor of the monthly "Urban Green", event organizer.

The speakers' presentations were collected in two thematic panels. During the first of them - "Green for the climate" the issue of "climate change" will be changed in all cases. There will be information on plans for adaptation to climate change in cities, selection and care of plants during drought, creation of green stops or implementation of nature based solutions. The session culminates with the discussion panel "Cities vs. climate change ", to which all participants are invited. In turn, the second panel" Climate for greenery "is planned quite perversely - we will not only talk about creating the city's climate through small greenery assumptions, original playgrounds for children and adults, or using more and more multifunctional city furniture, but also about communication with residents on the example of the experience of the City Green Board in Krakow. Complementing the thematic block may be a speech on territorial marketing and how important these days is to pay attention to the perception of the city by its users.
Register today and plan your visit to Gardenia. Registration entitles you to free admission to the Gardenia area on the day of the event.